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Fontaine Wallace – Rua do Regedor Taipa – Macao

Informations :

  • Sculpteur 1: LEBOURG
  • Adresse ou lieu-dit: Rua do Regedor Taipa
  • Localité: Macao
  • Pays: China
  • Continent: Asie
  • Matériau: Fonte
  • Type d'oeuvre: Fontaines et vasques
  • Morphologie: fontaine
  • Année: 2004
  • Titulaire(s) et droits sur les photos: Photos trouvées sur le Web

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Fontaine Wallace – Rua do Regedor Taipa – Macao
Fontaine Wallace - Rua do Regedor Taipa - Macao - Image1Fontaine Wallace - Rua do Regedor Taipa - Macao - Image2Fontaine Wallace - Rua do Regedor Taipa - Macao - Image3
Fiche créée ou mise à jour par : le 22 août 2010


Désignation : fontaine Wallace


Adresse: Rua do Regedor Taipa

Visible : oui   


Propriété :  

Fonderie : GHM


Matériau : fonte


Sculpteur : Lebourg


Planche : 517 catalogue Val d’Osne n° 2



The technical conference on the “Latest Development in water quality” was co-organized by Macao Water, China Water Supply Association, Sino-French Water Development and the SUEZ Group in France on 22-23 March. About 300 experts and scholars from France, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao gathered at the conference to discuss the management of water quality and the latest development of related research.As a responsible corporate citizen, Macao Water donated the first drinking water fountain named “Wallace Fountain” to the people of Macao and our tourist, which can slake their thirst with the good quality water that comes directly from network of Macao Water. This fountain was located at the Jardim de S. Francisco. The ceremony was inaugurated by Mr. Edmund Ho, Chief Executive Of Macao SAR on 23rd July.In order to create more opportunities for outstanding engineering graduates from University of Macau to study in France, Macao Water signed an agreement with “n+i Engineering Institute Network” on 28th September. This would provide our local human resource market with more technical person. Macao Water has been active in cooperating with University of Macau in the implementation of this project.


2005Following by the good response from the first Wallace Fountain introduced to Macao in 2004, Macao Water has committed to donate more Wallace Fountains to the people of Macao. The 2nd Wallace Fountain, which was located in Rua do Regedor Taipa, was inaugurated by Eng. Ao Man Long, Secretary for Transport and Public Works of the Macao Special Administrative Region of PRC on 22nd March.

Numéro d'identification de la fiche : M926


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